Marshall Stiver The Holy Spirit and Faith Power is highly sought after in the world today. It comes in many forms: intellect, government, engineering and construction, the military, weapons, education and money to name a few. People put such … [Read more...]
Firstfruit Development
Brian Orchard Firstfruit Development The Day of Pentecost represents the harvest of firstfruits - the first harvest. By counting 50 days we have been reminded that the crop to be harvested is in the making. Humans were created with the need to … [Read more...]
Patiently Waiting Witnesses
Bill Hendricks Patiently Waiting Witnesses The disciples were told to wait in Jerusalem for the receiving of the Holy Spirit. For those of us today that have been baptized, we are not waiting to receive the Holy Spirit, but we are waiting on … [Read more...]
Lessons of Pentecost
Gary MacPherson Lessons of Pentecost The Day of Pentecost has to be one of the most important days in all of human history. There are many lessons we can learn from this day. It was the day when God's Holy Spirit was given to ordinary men … [Read more...]
Are You Using the Holy Spirit?
Michael McKinney Time: 00:14:00 Time: 00:13:55 … [Read more...]
Power of the Holy Spirit – Pentecost’s Promise
S Orchard Time: 00:36:21 Download video audio and transcript: … [Read more...]