Bill Hutchison … [Read more...]
Advanced Kindness
Gary MacPherson Advanced Kindness When the time arrives that this Feast of Tabernacles pictures mankind will be shell-shocked. Christ will have returned and we will be newly resurrected. We are the ones God has called to be teachers to help … [Read more...]
Father, Family and Pentecost
Brian Orchard Father, Family and Pentecost The absolute connection between the Father and the human family is epitomized by the God family. Pentecost is about the Holy Spirit and the work it does through Christ to produce a godly family. A family … [Read more...]
A Closely Connected Body
Troy Phelps A Closely Connected Body Cases of depression and anxiety have been growing at incredible rates globally. As scientists and doctors do more research and studies, they are discovering social and cultural issues that are greatly … [Read more...]
Why Do We Fellowship?
Brian Orchard Why Do We Fellowship? In the Apostle Peter's first epistle, he addresses four important spiritual issues for the Church as stated in chapter 2 verse seventeen. Central to honoring all people, fearing God and honoring the king is … [Read more...]
The Exposing Light of Persecution
S Orchard The Exposing Light of Persecution The history of the Church of God is useful context and perspective. It has been visible, more or less, for millennia. The period of time from about 600 to 1600 AD – the fall of Rome to the Protestant … [Read more...]
A Giving Attitude
Gary MacPherson A Giving Attitude God is the first giver. Giving is a central character trait of God that He wants developed in those He has called. God expects us to give tithes and offerings to Him and to not do so is a form of robbing God. … [Read more...]
Being the People of God
S Orchard Being the People of God God’s people are part of a grand narrative arc. That story can’t be told without the ancient nation of Israel, which is an example we can study to understand how God works with His people. Israel was rescued from … [Read more...]
Being Thankful
Gary MacPherson Being Thankful We live in a prosperous nation, yet many are not satisfied and are ungrateful. People are not happy because they are not thankful. God commands us to be thankful and to express our thanks to Him as well as to our … [Read more...]
Unity Through Ministry
Marshall Stiver Unity Through Ministry “Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity”. These are the words of King David of Israel. As wonderful as unity is, it is a rarity in the world today. It is, however, … [Read more...]