Bill Hendricks … [Read more...]
Advanced Kindness
Gary MacPherson Advanced Kindness When the time arrives that this Feast of Tabernacles pictures mankind will be shell-shocked. Christ will have returned and we will be newly resurrected. We are the ones God has called to be teachers to help … [Read more...]
The Necessity of Trials
Bill Hendricks The Necessity of Trials Are trials necessary for Christians? Do they accomplish anything? Trials are one of the tools that God uses to help us grow in character and patience. … [Read more...]
Possess Your Souls
Brian Orchard Possess Your Souls Christ encourages us to use patience to possess our souls. This He stated in the end of the age context of what would be happening to God's people as the world convulses. We are to be in control of our minds, such … [Read more...]
Patience or Instant Gratification
Marshall Stiver The Glory of God in Creation Patience is one of the major keys to success. Because it is an unappealing quality to many, there is a great need to understand what it is and what it can do for us. It is, in fact, a spiritual quality … [Read more...]
Patiently Waiting Witnesses
Bill Hendricks Patiently Waiting Witnesses The disciples were told to wait in Jerusalem for the receiving of the Holy Spirit. For those of us today that have been baptized, we are not waiting to receive the Holy Spirit, but we are waiting on … [Read more...]
A Spiritual Sacrifice
Brian Orchard A Spiritual Sacrifice Many details of the Israelites' journey away from Egypt is recorded in the Book of Psalms. Although complete with factual information of their travels, the Psalms contain vital information of spiritual value … [Read more...]
Patience and Faith of the Saints
Brian Orchard Time: 01:06:07 Time: 01:06:03 … [Read more...]