S. Orchard Offer Sacrifice Through Fellowship During the fall Holy Day season, the Israelites were required to offer 280 sacrifices; it was a daily ritual. We don’t offer that type of animal sacrifice now, but we can still practice the … [Read more...]
Giving Up to Win
Robb Harris Giving Up to Win Do we fear giving up and sacrificing everything that might get between us and God? Sacrifice must be freely given, but it must mean something to us to have any value. Love for God's way of life is a basis for each … [Read more...]
Making the Right Sacrifices
Justin Plagenza Making the Right Sacrifices Throughout the Bible, sacrifice is a central theme. Sometimes these sacrifices do not meet God’s standards, as in the story of Cain. Other times, these sacrifices are called good and show the faith of … [Read more...]
Bread of Affliction – Bread of Life
John Grabara Bread of Affliction – Bread of Life Bread is called the staff of life. In the Old Testament unleavened bread was eaten during the Days of Unleavened Bread. It symbolized the affliction ancient Israel suffered in Egypt. In the New … [Read more...]
A Spiritual Sacrifice
Brian Orchard A Spiritual Sacrifice Many details of the Israelites' journey away from Egypt is recorded in the Book of Psalms. Although complete with factual information of their travels, the Psalms contain vital information of spiritual value … [Read more...]
The Culture of Division
Brian Orchard The Culture of Division What was once an overarching system of human knowledge, belief and behavior - culture - is breaking down into many mini-, or sub-cultures. These smaller divisions reflect the sovereignty of the individual … [Read more...]
Examining That Pleases God
Marshall Stiver Examining That Pleases God The Passover, when properly prepared for and kept, is an occasion only for our betterment in the year to follow. It sets the tone for personal growth and peace of mind. Conversely, however, keeping it … [Read more...]