Scott Souder Being Mindful As we move forward from the Days of Unleavened Bread we understand we have to put sin, represented by leaven, out of our lives. But if we don’t think about it by continuously reminding ourselves, we can drift. Being … [Read more...]
A Parable for Us
Scott Souder A Parable for Us As we prepare for the Passover we go through a process of self-examination. In this process we look inward and evaluate our lives as Christians. We ask ourselves: Am I growing in spiritual maturity? Have I … [Read more...]
Overcoming Unbelief
Scott Souder Overcoming Unbelief Today we are exposed to so much information. Not only good and bad information, but false information. Whether we read it on the internet, watch it on TV, or listen to it on the radio. There is a lot of … [Read more...]
How to Prevent Going Dormant
Scott Souder How to Prevent Going Dormant During the winter months trees and shrubs will shed their leaves and become dormant. Becoming dormant is the state of having normal physical functions suspended or slowed down for a period of time. … [Read more...]
Serving Now and into the Future
Scott Souder Serving Now and into the Future In this message we review five ways of serving others. The first three are methods that we can put into practice in our day to day lives. And the last two are ones we will have an opportunity to … [Read more...]
Trumpets – A Day of Solemnity and Joy
Scott Souder Trumpets - A Day of Solemnity and Joy As we begin the fall festival season we are looking to the future. A time yet ahead of us. And we have confidence that this day, this specific day, referred to as the Feast of Trumpets will … [Read more...]
Why Do I Stumble and How to Overcome
Scott Souder Why Do I Stumble and How to Overcome We understand that the law is good, that it was given by God to help man to know how to live the right way of life. It can be summed up as love toward God and love toward our fellow man. But … [Read more...]
Do We Have Unfulfilled Expectations or Faith
Scott Souder Do We Have Unfulfilled Expectations or Faith During late winter and early spring we spend time self-evaluating in preparation for the upcoming Passover. We understand “the wages of sin is death”. And “Therefore repent and … [Read more...]
An Additional Thought on Confession
Scott Souder An Additional Thought on Confession In this message we will look at a couple words that are translated confess. First we'll look at the typical or common word that is translated "confess" by understanding it's meaning and … [Read more...]
Rewards of the Saints
Scott Souder Rewards of the Saints Sometimes times we can loose our way. We can stumble. But when we keep our eye on the prize, keep fill our mind with understanding, we press on. In Proverbs 29:18 we read “Where there is no vision, the people … [Read more...]