Ken Parks God Knows! Today is the Day of Pentecost; a day that - above all else - celebrates the fact that God has made His Holy Spirit available to humankind. It is also about the firstfruits - the small minority to whom God has given His … [Read more...]
Firstfruit Development
Brian Orchard Firstfruit Development The Day of Pentecost represents the harvest of firstfruits - the first harvest. By counting 50 days we have been reminded that the crop to be harvested is in the making. Humans were created with the need to … [Read more...]
The Truth Will Set You Free
Bill Welch The Truth Will Set You Free The events of Pentecost 31 A.D. pointed to the power of God's Holy Spirit and the immediate growth of the Church with the addition of 3,000 new members in one day. The devout men hearing the Apostle … [Read more...]
Lessons of Pentecost
Gary MacPherson Lessons of Pentecost The Day of Pentecost has to be one of the most important days in all of human history. There are many lessons we can learn from this day. It was the day when God's Holy Spirit was given to ordinary men … [Read more...]
Lessons from Harvest
S Orchard Lessons from Harvest Pentecost draws our attention to the concepts of harvest and firstfruits. This connection is not incidental, because agriculture is spiritually instructive. The act of giving firstfruits to God is an individual … [Read more...]
Character and Pentecost
Brian Orchard Character and Pentecost A prominent feature of society today is the growing lack of character. Character is considered as fluid, moving with the changing standards of what is good and bad. By counting 50 days to Pentecost, we are … [Read more...]
Simple Obedience and Hope
Marshall Stiver Simple Obedience and Hope Why do we keep the Feast of Pentecost and what is its significance? We keep it to simply be obedient - certainly. That is a part of it, but that simple obedience also enables us to make use of the gift … [Read more...]
Firstfruits on God’s Hillside
Ken Parks Firstfruits on God's Hillside God is planting an initial group of people that are known as firstfruits in His Plan. We, God's people, are those called out now. We are to be those that will assist Christ after His Second Coming. As … [Read more...]
The Responsibility of Our Calling
Bill Welch The Responsibility of Our Calling The Apostle Paul provides a unique discussion of the calling of God's people in Romans 9-11. He concludes his discussion in Romans 12:1 by encouraging the members to "present your bodies as a living … [Read more...]
The Holy Spirit, the Source of Our Substance
Bill Hutchison The Holy Spirit, the Source of Our Substance The Holy Spirit is the defining attribute that makes us the children of God. It is a priceless gift from God. We are responsible for its use. We must make sure that God's Spirit … [Read more...]