Marshall Stiver Unity: The Challenge America was settled by a people who were willing to take on an enormous challenge. Are we such people today? The present and daunting challenge that lies before us, the Church of God, is that of God-like … [Read more...]
Ryan Welsh TruthSum We envision a threefold purpose for preaching: To recognize, highlight and edify the preaching of the gospel efforts of Church of God organizations, to encourage unity through spiritual growth and to present spiritual truth … [Read more...]
The Lord is There
Brian Orchard The Lord is There This sermon builds on the concept of the unity of the Spirit. The message of unanimity delivered by the prophets - Ezekiel in particular - is mirrored in the spiritual nature of the Church as described in the … [Read more...]
The Unity of the Spirit
Brian Orchard The Unity of the Spirit The unity of the Church of God is spiritual in nature. This unity is the result of each member's personal spiritual relationship with the Father through Jesus Christ. The unity of the body of Christ is … [Read more...]