Bill Hendricks … [Read more...]
The Patience of The Saints
Brian Orchard … [Read more...]
A Future and a Hope
Brian Orchard A Future and a Hope The Physical world is deteriorating quickly. We live in it and must deal with it in terms of growing stronger spiritually to prevent it having any negative effect. We can do that by knowing exactly how God views … [Read more...]
Seeing the Future
Douglas Horchak Seeing the Future God's holy days give us a level of predictability of the what the future will be like for us, and for mankind. That vision, in our mind's eye enables us to navigate our Christian lives as we prepare for a … [Read more...]
A Future Restored
Gary MacPherson A Future Restored Throughout mankind's history their future has been robbed from them by Satan. Satan has deceived humanity from the beginning. He is a liar and murderer and has sent mankind down wrong destructive paths. He has … [Read more...]
Capturing the Future Vision
Jack Rector Capturing the Future Vision Capturing and keeping a vision of the future is extremely important--how can we achieve it? … [Read more...]
Looking to the Future
Cliff Veal Looking to the Future … [Read more...]