With the Feast of Tabernacles just three weeks away I thought a brief update might be appreciated. Thank you all for taking the time to register. The numbers so far indicate an increase over last year. The attendance figures stand at Oxnard – 235 and Tulsa – 77. We will be a little snug in Oxnard as we have the same Junior Ballroom we used last year. We will use the Silverado Room across the hall as an overflow room and will provide a live video feed to that room.
What we need now is for everyone to sign up for the meals and activities – particularly where there is a catered meal involved. Typically the hotel wants numbers about a week in advance for their planning purposes. This means that for the meals early in the Feast we need to provide numbers before the Feast actually begins. So we rely on the sign up lists. Please contact Rita Sampson if you are unable to take care of this on-line.
We would like to encourage everyone to attend the planned activities whether you can afford to pay for them or not. Many members are generous and give over and above so others can participate in the fellowship. God’s instruction in regard to observing the Feast is for everyone to participate and rejoice together (Deuteronomy 16:14).
We plan to stream services live each day for any who cannot get to a Feast site. The service will then be posted on the web site and can be viewed at any time after that. Full details will be provided by the tech crew closer to the time.
Sabbath services this Sabbath will be streamed from Duarte, CA with the sermon patched in from Oral, SD.
Warm Regards,
Brian Orchard