It has been difficult this week to think about much else than the state of the world. The US election is just one of the issues pressing in from all quarters. We are forcibly made aware of how much God’s revealed truth through the scriptures provides comfort for us.
Take for example, Daniel 2:21-23. Daniel and his companions were included among the wise men of Chaldea to be killed. These wisemen incurred the king’s wrath because they could not interpret his dream. Daniel sought God’s help and God in turn revealed the meaning of the dream to Daniel, thus sparing his life.
Daniel’s response was to praise and thank God for the revelation. His short prayer of thanks is quite revealing. It also offers comfort to us in this troubled world.
Daniel began by acknowledging the wisdom and power of God. Immediately the focus is away from the dire situation they faced. Above and beyond their personal state of affairs was a powerful God, full of wisdom.
God has unlimited control over the times and seasons. God is in charge of the circumstances that are happening at any point of time. A manifestation of His wisdom and power is seen in the fact that He sets up and takes down kings. Man may think he is in control of his destiny, but in fact he is not. God is in charge. As Job noted, “He breaks in pieces mighty men without inquiry, and sets others in their place” (Job 34:24). God controls the development of the world, as Nebuchadnezzar found out.
This understanding should produce humility. Knowing that wisdom, knowledge, and understanding come from God should provide deep respect for the One who provides them. The God of all wisdom provides understanding of worldly developments to those who know Him. As Amos stated, “Surely the Lord God does nothing, unless He reveals His secret to His servants the prophets” (Amos 3:7).
God uses His great power to fulfill His great purpose on earth. “I have made the earth, the man and the beast that are on the ground, by My great power and by My outstretched arm, and have given it to whom it seemed proper to Me” (Jeremiah 27:5). This knowledge is given to those who walk in the light. “…I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life” (John 8:12).
So instead of angst, as we see the state of the world, we should give thanks and praise to God. He has given us knowledge of His great wisdom and power and we can have peace of mind as we see Him directing the “kings” of the world.
Keep in mind that whatever has gone on this week, the outcome is in God’s hand – He removes, and He raises up. We need to keep our eyes on the big picture.
Brian Orchard