As we have continued to work on developing the Father’s Call website, it has been decided to concentrate our efforts on one site for now. A second site is always an option but with our limited resources (mainly manpower) it is felt we need to make every effort to make the existing site informative and friendly to member and non-member alike. You will notice that we have included the church name – Church of God – on the front page so there is no misunderstanding of who we are. The Fathers Call is the website name, not the name of the church. Work is under way to develop a section where older doctrinal articles can be posted as a foundational resource. Most of the articles will be familiar to us as they were part of the foundation we put down many years ago. The articles are being made a little more reader friendly and hopefully our younger people will find the doctrinal material helpful for their own spiritual foundation.
We also have a new purpose statement for the home page which will more directly let people know what is all about. It begins with a concise statement which is then expanded into a larger one. The idea being to get the point across quickly for those hitting the page, then if they are interested they can read on for a fuller explanation. It is included here for your interest:
Purpose Statement:
This world does not reflect the nature of a loving God. The relationship between the Creator and His creation has been broken. This condition has a limited allotment of time before God moves to restore all things to Himself. The Church of God, through this website, seeks to support those the Father calls to come into a restored relationship with Himself through His Son, Jesus Christ.
Everything seen and unseen was created for a purpose and existed under the loving care and direction of God. Peace in the creation was destroyed through angelic rebellion, which has led to a state of hostility toward God and other peoples in the world.
According to Their plan, the Father and Son have allotted time to restore the creation to the former condition of peace that once existed. We have been called to have a part in that plan – to participate in the work of restoration and unification. Our Father desires that we learn to serve one another using the gifts which He has given us. If we can learn to serve each other, at the appointed time in Their plan, we will govern with Jesus Christ in our Father’s kingdom.
The Fathers work of restoration requires that we learn foremost to love Him and one another as He and Jesus Christ love us. That love demands that we grow to be patient with each other and practice humility in our relationships. As godly love increases through hope, faith and the Spirit that we share, we become more like our Father and our elder Brother Jesus Christ – the head of the New Testament church. If through diligent effort we allow His Spirit to work in us, it will create the bond of peace.
In this manner the Church becomes a living example of God’s plan of restoration and reconciliation between Himself and mankind. We have been called to participate in the ongoing work of proclaiming that Gospel message. It is a message of hope, repentance, change, love and the good news that Christ will return to earth and establish peace.
This is the Father’s purpose for those He calls.
This is not set in stone and can be adjusted if or as we see the need. Please consider that the website is a work in progress and just because something is done or expressed one way now, doesn’t mean we won’t see a better way in the future.
We are also working on some study material in relation to a perspective of the Gospel. This is in the discussion stage and as you might imagine, there are varying views and ideas so we will work slowly to let God show us the fullness of the good news of the kingdom of God.
A reminder that we have a new mailing address for all mail – including tithes and offerings:
Church of God
P.O. Box 5490
Pasadena CA 91117
Warm Regards,
Brian Orchard