Are We on the Brink of WW3?
“The Middle East is far beyond the ability of any outside power to control.” (Foreign Affairs December 15, 2024.)
The entire region in general is a powder keg waiting for the right conditions to ignite. All the efforts made in modern times have failed to find a way for the nations to live together in some kind of peaceful arrangement. There certainly appears to be truth to the Foreign Affairs statement.
While it appears that another major war could erupt in that area at any time, will it be the final war for the Middle East? Is WW3 about to erupt? We are seeing headlines that indicate there are political leaders who give this notion credit.
Thankfully we have the Bible to give us insight to be able to provide an answer to those questions.
If a war breaks out now, it will not be the final war because certain factors are not in place. The major factor is what Daniel refers to as “the king of the North”. At that time, the Seleucid Empire of Syria was known as the “king of the North”. Rome conquered Syria and made it a Roman province in 64 BCE. Thereafter Rome appears to have assumed the title “king of the North”.
Stepping forward in time in Daniel’s chapter 11 prophecy, we identify a new political entity as the beast power of Revelation 13. It is a grouping of 10 nations in Europe, under a very strong leader – the resurrection of the Roman Empire. This is the missing factor for this current time.
According to Daniel 11:40-41, something occurs which draws the beast power into the Middle East. This precipitates a great war. “He shall enter the Glorious Land, and many countries shall be overthrown …” It becomes the dominant power in the area after defeating the “king of the South”. Then a mighty power from the east comes against him and great bloody battles ensue.
WW3 is precipitated by the “king of the North” (beast) moving into the Middle East area.
What is happening now may play a part in drawing that mighty coalition into the Middle East. The beast might see itself as a peacekeeping force? Or maybe a jihad – holy war – could draw him? Maybe the need to protect his interests, such as oil? But what is important is that once the ball is rolling, events will happen quickly.
The final battle will take place when Christ returns. The nations’ armies will assemble at Megiddo, north of Jerusalem, and then move against Christ. Joel informs us that that battle will take place in the Valley of Jehoshaphat, adjacent to Jerusalem (the Kidron Valley).
The final battle is the battle of the great day of God Almighty.
“Watch therefore, and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man” (Luke 21:36).
Brian Orchard