In building and maintaining relationships, face to face time is important. The recent get-together of the Council and Committee was therefore important. Although we have weekly video meetings, time spent together over several days is valuable. Although Mike McKinney was unable to attend any meetings, we were able to visit with him in his home. He is slowly improving.
We are all mindful of the rapidly changing world and the probability that it will not return to a pre-Covid normal. We should not expect it to do so as modern-day Israel has turned its collective back on God.
So we find the Church of God, which stands on standards that are set, existing in a seriously changing environment. God has said in very clear terms that, “… if you do not obey Me and do not observe all these commandments … I also will do this to you …” (Leviticus 26:14-16). Our challenge is to remain faithful to “… all these commandments …” while being pressured to accommodate a rapidly changing environment as God begins to deal with this world.
Awareness of this position formed the basis of most of our discussions. Not only is the environment undergoing serious change but the mindset and thinking of people in general is also shifting dramatically – just as God said it would (Isaiah 3:4-5). Immature, self-focused, adolescent type mentality coupled with impulsive, unpredictable leadership is the order of the day.
Given the reality of this situation, what is the Church to do to feed the flock and preach the gospel? How do we respond to the need for increasing care for those who have responded to His calling as well as an outreach to the world? We are exploring ways to encourage greater co-operation between God’s people. As we said when the Father’s Call began, we want to lower the barriers which separate groups. This does not mean merging with, but rather more co-operation between members of the body.
The living example of godliness is becoming more important. To effectively preach the gospel in this environment we must become living examples of the gospel. The world is rejecting God and religion largely because of the hypocritical example of those who claim to be “Christian.” We must do as we say.
I hope we can announce very soon how we intend to make Oxnard a shared Church of God Feast site – without watering down the focus and strength of the messages. Working with our extended family is vital at this time.
We will work on strengthening the depth of content on the TruthSum.org website and create short video clips to support the site. It is designed to be a repository of points of God’s truth that benefits members and non-members alike.
Satan is manipulating the world to destroy any connection between the Creator and the created. At this point we must concede that he is doing a good job of that. It serves to highlight our responsibility to allow the Creator to create us into His image. We must be living witnesses of Him and to uphold His name. “Therefore you are My witnesses, says the Lord, “that I am God” (Isaiah 43:12).
We have work to do and it is the most important work on the face of the earth.
Brian Orchard