Cliffton Veal Satan Loves Doubt and Discouragement Doubt and discouragement are somethings we wish we did not have to endure. But Satan loves them both and uses them to tear us down. We must work against that... with God's help. … [Read more...]
The Gracious Heart Of God
Bill Hutchison The Gracious Heart Of God Repentance is more than the action of turning around or turning back. It involves converting our hearts. This procedure is not simply physical outpatient surgery, but a spiritual coronary bypass surgery … [Read more...]
Overcoming Relational Dysfunction
Marshall Stiver Overcoming Relational Dysfunction Did you hear today's fantastic news? The media is no longer going to encourage a rich versus poor mentality. It will no longer promote strife and conflict between the races. There will be no more … [Read more...]
The Mind of the Spirit
Brian Orchard The Mind of the Spirit A mind of the Spirit is able to connect with God. It has the mind of Christ and can understand the full intent and meaning of the words Christ spoke. Through repentance we have been blessed with that mind. … [Read more...]
The Mind is Everything
Brian Orchard Sincere Motivation Through the Church in Pergamos, Christ is warning the Church that a factor that we must watch out for is the doctrine of Balaam. As Satan used Balaam and Balak to cause Israel to bring curses upon them selves, … [Read more...]
Sincere Motivation
Bill Hutchison Sincere Motivation Though we may strive to do the "right thing", the results may not be what we intend. One reason this happens is we are doing the "right thing" for the wrong reason. This may be because our motivation is wrong. … [Read more...]
Turning the Hearts
Marshall Stiver Turning the Hearts Malachi wrote that the hearts of the fathers would be turned to the children and the children's to the fathers before the coming of the great and terrible Day of the Lord, lest He come and strike the earth with a … [Read more...]
Do You Remember the Day?
Cliffton Veal Do You Remember the Day? There are many milestones in our lives that we can fondly think back on. Do you remember the day you were baptized? The enthusiasm, the joy, the commitment. Do we still remember the vital importance of … [Read more...]
Why Do We Fellowship?
Brian Orchard Why Do We Fellowship? In the Apostle Peter's first epistle, he addresses four important spiritual issues for the Church as stated in chapter 2 verse seventeen. Central to honoring all people, fearing God and honoring the king is … [Read more...]
Godly Success
Cliffton Veal Godly Success What do you want to accomplish in life? What do you want to achieve? Maybe the better question is "What does God want for us?". Let us look at the subject of success as seen through God's eyes. … [Read more...]
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