Bill Hendricks Depressed? Don't Give Up! The current state of man is not a pleasant picture. As time continues, more and more trials plague us. The difficulties we face can cause sadness and disappointment, even leading to depression. Is this a … [Read more...]
The Famine to Come
Bill Hendricks The Famine to Come We are warned of a famine and pestilence and natural disasters to come upon the earth but there is also another famine which was prophesied long ago. That famine fell on Israel just before they were taken … [Read more...]
When is the Race over?
Bill Hendricks When is the Race over? The Feast of Trumpets is a time we reflect on the return of Christ. We find ourselves in a race to that end. The goal that we are racing toward is the end of our physical race to the Kingdom which will be … [Read more...]
The Necessity of Trials
Bill Hendricks The Necessity of Trials Are trials necessary for Christians? Do they accomplish anything? Trials are one of the tools that God uses to help us grow in character and patience. … [Read more...]
Bill Hendricks Self-Control The greatest gift any person can receive is the gift of God's Holy Spirit. That spirit produces fruit in our lives. In the book of Galatians those fruits are listed. Self-control is the last one listed, but it is by far … [Read more...]
Be Ready
Bill Hendricks Be Ready The time between the Holy Days may seem to be a time to let down and relax. For those who have been called to come out of the world there is no time for a spiritual vacation. God has entered those He has called into a … [Read more...]
The Quiet Witness
Bill Hendricks The Quiet Witness Witnessing for Jesus, witnessing for God, and spreading the gospel to the world is a strong concept in modern Christianity. Many believe that this is the responsibility of every Christian to fulfill. Is it true? … [Read more...]
Happy Birthday!
Bill Hendricks Happy Birthday! Happy birthday! In the western world this is a common phrase and is heard often, but what stands behind this? It often includes parties and the receiving of gifts by the one who's birthday it is. Is this something … [Read more...]
Bill Hendricks Halloween Halloween comes around once a year. It is observed in many different countries. Is it just a harmless night of fun for our kids to frolic through the neighborhoods or is there more to it that we should recognize? … [Read more...]
Knowledge,Wisdom and Understanding
Bill Hendricks Knowledge,Wisdom and Understanding … [Read more...]