Ben Orchard Where is Your "Here"? God asked Elijah, "What are you doing 'here'?" We need to ask ourselves the very same question. … [Read more...]
Signs and Wonders
Ben Orchard Signs and Wonders At the end time there will be many great signs and wonders. We don't have to be able to explain them, we have to have the faith to survive them. What does it take to not be shaken by them? … [Read more...]
Building God’s Temple
Ben Orchard Building God's Temple The Days of Unleavened Bread show us the way forward for the rest of the year. … [Read more...]
Exponential Rate
Ben Orchard Exponential Rate What can we learn from yeast spores that will help us understand sin more fully? The fact that yeast grows at an exponential rate. A little leaven leavens the whole lump. What each of us does makes a big … [Read more...]
Offering Percentage
Ben Orchard Offering Percentage We give a physical offering. An amount, a percentage, that matters to each of us. Not a haphazard toss of our surplus, but a considered, weighted measure of the blessings that God has given us. More … [Read more...]
Do the Work
Ben Orchard Building a house is a big job that requires persistent, progressive effort. You can’t do tomorrow’s work today, and you can’t catch up later on. Each day presents an important window to advance the construction process. We should … [Read more...]
Do Not Covet
Ben Orchard … [Read more...]
Writing the Law
Ben Orchard LGD … [Read more...]
Spiritual Energy
Ben Orchard Spiritual Energy The future promised to God's faithful is rulership over cities. Perhaps those promises are figurative, but certainly there is a governance function expected of the “kings and priests” God is training. … [Read more...]
The Holy Spirit vs I
Ben Orchard … [Read more...]