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Recapturing True Values: Part 2
Ken Parks
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Recapturing True Values: Part 2
In this age of rapidly changing times, where MAN’S very definition of sin is changing, where ideas that were not accepted are now readily accepted, do we find ourselves, the people of God, also changing and aligning to the world’s way of thinking? Have we slipped a bit in our way of thinking and in the things we accept? How do we keep ourselves centered? How do we continue to follow God deeply and reject Satan and his deceptions? Are we changing to reflect more of God and His ways or are we slowly adopting thoughts that Satan is broadcasting to us?
The world is changing. Are we changing with it or are we changing in a positive way to be more and more like our Elder Brother, Jesus Christ?
Today brethren, let us look at four observations that we should consider in regards to God’s values, which brings about positive growth in ourselves, and contrasting those with Satan’s values which can bombard us to align ourselves with the pleasures of this world.