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Keynesian Economics v. Jubilee: God’s Way Works
S Orchard
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Keynesian Economics v. Jubilee: God’s Way Works
God created, provided instruction, and let mankind choose. We rejected Him and did it our way, so now we are running a 6,000-year experiment of our own making. The accelerating pace and increasingly drastic consequences of our failures are evidence that God is right and we are wrong. Take, for example, the global economy of the 21st century; We used Keynesian economic theories to “fix” a series of historic catastrophes by radically increasing the money supply. But Keyne’s ideas are rooted in atheism and hedonistic relativism; i.e. do what feels good now, for there is no God but ourselves, and “in the long run, we’re all dead.” The direct result is an unstable and hopeless world. We chose this ourselves, instead of the Creator’s land Sabbath, debt-forgiveness, and Jubillee plan, which promise a stable, resilient, free, and hopeful society. God is making His case. He is inviting us to consider His ways and reason with Him. He wants us to choose life.