Our vision is the unified spiritual Bride of Christ, living and representing the gospel of God’s plan of salvation for humanity. Our mission is to nurture the church family as a spiritual organism, feeding the flock and sharing the gospel.
The Apostle Paul, in his letter to the Colossians, reminds and redirects the members back to the centrality and preeminence of Jesus Christ, to rebut certain Gnostic teachings which had taken root in the congregation. He uses Colossians chapter one and most of chapter two discussing the preeminence, superiority, and fullness of Jesus Christ and revealed the mystery, revealed to the saints, which is “Christ in you, the hope of glory”. He reminds the members that true righteousness is not attainable apart from Jesus Christ. Other related epistles reinforce this through renewal of the new man, the transformation of the human mind through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, and the symbolism of the sons of Hagar and Sarah, one of flesh and one of promise and the allegory of Hagar representing the old covenant and bondage and Sarah representing the new covenant and freedom. The purpose is to be at one with the Father and His Son, Jesus Christ, so as to overcome the world and attain the resurrection to life to the glorification of the Father.