Our vision is the unified spiritual Bride of Christ, living and representing the gospel of God’s plan of salvation for humanity. Our mission is to nurture the church family as a spiritual organism, feeding the flock and sharing the gospel.
Portaging a canoe is hard. Not only is it strenuous, but you can’t see where you’re going. Lacking a line-of-sight on the goal, one tends to give up. An effective solution is to send a few on ahead to complete the course, and then have them double back to act as guides and helpers for those with the heaviest loads. A little encouragement and evidence that the trek has been completed make a huge difference. That’s what we ought to be doing in our spiritual journey. Christ has gone ahead and returned to help us. We ought to be striving to reach the finish line too, so we can double-back and help the rest! Don’t give up. Carry your canoe.