UPDATE – August 30
World events are beginning to have a psychological impact on the average person. Shocking, incomprehensible expressions of violence and hatred have not only grown in volume, but also in intensity. The reality of the world intrudes without invitation. The apostle John observed that, “… the whole world lies under the sway of the wicked one” (1 John 5:19). The system in which we are required to live has been authored by the great adversary – so it is adversarial.
This is the world we have been instructed not to love (1 John 2:15). John was only taking his cue from Christ’s example when toward the end of His life, Christ announced that, “I have overcome the world” (John 16:33). It is this example we have been encouraged to follow.
Christ taught His disciples by means of a parable that the world is a force that God’s people have to reckon with. In Mark chapter four we read the parable of the sower and the different applications of the sowing of the seed. One category was the sowing of seed among thorns. The seed represents hearing the word and the thorns represent the forces against engaging the word in any meaningful way. The thorns grow and choke the seed so that no fruit is produced.
The thorns are comprised of the cares of this world. It could also be rendered the distractions of this age. The parable points out the danger of riches and the desire for other things. But we need to carefully consider the age in which we live. It is a time of unprecedented events that defy our mental ability to process as reality and these things can be distracting. We all understand that there have been times in history when events pointed toward an “end of the world” scenario which did not materialize. For us, it is the intensity of events that so perfectly fit the prophesied conditions of the end time that make them so invasive and impossible to ignore.
The cares of the world serve to get our minds off those things that are essentially basic to our relationship with God. They can become distractions. Also a focus on world events, even if they are obvious precursors to the end time, can distract us from addressing the fundamentals of spiritual growth and development.
Being watchful addresses the balance between keeping an eye on world events in the light of biblical prophecy and being awake spiritually. A problem with living in the world at this time is that issues of our physical existence clamor for so much of our attention that worldly things can absorb us. Our minds can spend more time in a secular function that a spiritually oriented one. Our reality is not in or of this world – or the events taking place around us. The world is Satan’s reality – one that we are to overcome as Christ did.
The day of Christ’s return is drawing nearer – nearer than when we first believed. Don’t let the thorns of Satan’s adversarial world distract you from strengthening and building a relationship with your Father.
Feast of Tabernacles
Information regarding the Feast schedule and events for both Oxnard and Tulsa has been posted on the website in the Feast of Tabernacles 2014 file under the Services tab.
Details regarding catered meals are being worked on and will be communicated to you by email soon. Please remember that a response from you is vital to meal planning.
The Sabbath service this week will originate from Duarte, CA. My wife and I will be in Duarte for the Sabbath and Steve Andrews will be in Phoenix.
Warm Regards,
Brian Orchard