Hello Everyone,
As we prepare to take the Passover, I know our minds are focusing on something quite different from the concerns of the world. As we partake of the symbols of the bread and wine, we can know with absolute certainty that Christ has paid the penalty for our sins and that we are free from the bondage of sin. Free to pursue an intense and personal relationship with Christ and the Father.
Being separated and in our own homes will allow us to focus a little more on that personal relationship. Christ died for each one of us and to that extent the Passover should be very meaningful on the personal level.
Let us be aware of the world conditions but not fearful. It is a motivation to appreciate and strengthen our relationship with God through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ.
What an enormous blessing it is to know God’s truth and His great plan for humanity.
Brian Orchard
Unleavened Bread Service Times April 2020
First Holy Day April 9
Service time: 11:00 am Pacific (Usual)
Weekly Sabbath April 11
Usual time – 11:00 am Pacific
Last Holy Day April 15
Eastern Time Zone: 11:00 am; 2:00 pm
Central Time Zone: 10:00 am; 1:00 pm
Western Time Zone: 11:00 am; 2:00 pm
A reminder that a short meaning of the night is posted on the website for any who want to use it.