Our vision is the unified spiritual Bride of Christ, living and representing the gospel of God’s plan of salvation for humanity. Our mission is to nurture the church family as a spiritual organism, feeding the flock and sharing the gospel.
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What We Look Forward To
Ken Parks
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What We Look Forward To
As we come before God and praise Him at this Feast of Tabernacles, we gather this year in a frame of mind that is different than many of us have ever encountered. Turmoil, confusion and uncertainty are what many have considered the norm for the past few months. It’s impacted our everyday life… many have found it a struggle to even get here and this means more of a struggle than perhaps any of us alive today has seen, relative to the Feast of Tabernacles. Perhaps this has created a sense of uneasiness… of anxiety even. Yet we are here and for those who are not here in person, technology has allowed a connection to where the Almighty has placed His Name… for us to glorify and celebrate a time in the not so distant future. If we really concentrate on what is to come to those who endure until the end, we would know that there is no comparison between all that we are experiencing now and the way it will be in the future. The Kingdom of God is something that we all look forward to and something that we should be preparing ourselves for. But for now, we have to live in this space… this environment with all of its seemingly new challenges to life itself, but more importantly, God’s Way of Life.
So today, I’d like to concentrate on some of these examples in God’s Word in an effort to focus on the road to God’s Kingdom without distraction and without hesitation.