Scott Souder
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Two Phrases to Consider
As we go about our daily life. There are days when is seems like we are spinning our wheels. We might catch ourselves looking over at someone else and think if this were a race I am loosing. But we can’t get discouraged. Christ said the last will be first and the first shall be last. It’s about the long haul. Never giving up. Just keep on going. Hardships and difficulties may happen. Through it all keep your heart and mind on the Father and the promised reward of eternal life as part of His family. That there are many who have been called to this understanding. They have been exposed to the good news of the coming kingdom of God. But for one reason or another is does not interest them. Or they find it interesting and begin to study and learn more. Only to become distracted and decide or choose a different life style. So we meditate on the thoughts that the first will be last and the last shall be first, many are called, but few are chosen.