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Serving Now and into the Future
Scott Souder
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Serving Now and into the Future
In this message we review five ways of serving others. The first three are methods that we can put into practice in our day to day lives. And the last two are ones we will have an opportunity to fulfill in the World Tomorrow after the return of Jesus Christ. Using biblical examples we look at listening, empathy and hospitality and see how Christ gave us examples to follow. The ability to serve others is not just a privilege, but a responsibility for us to develop. We are all familiar with the saying “practice makes perfect”. Therefore we must be practicing the art of service today, so that we will be better tomorrow. The last two methods of serving will be essential in helping mankind develop a relationship with God the Father. Mankind as a whole does not know, nor fully understands, the love God has for man. Man has separated himself from God and needs to learn how to build back that relationship, to re-establish that relationship. That knowledge and guidance will come from a royal kingdom and priests ruling under Jesus Christ. The two future opportunities to serve will be as members of the ruling kingdom and as priests.