Thinking the Unthinkable
Have you wondered what the trigger for God will be to intervene and direct Christ to return? Christ said that only the Father knows the day and the hour for His return. We are given signs to make us aware of the developing situation which suggest that time is short. But we do not have insight into definite timing.
There is an example of human activity prompting God to take action on earth that we can look to. When the whole earth had one language they began to build a strong rejection of God in the form of a city and tower. God estimated that the human life was at a point that He needed to intervene. “… this is what they begin to do; now nothing that they propose to do will be withheld from them.” So God intervened and scattered them by “confusing their language” (Genesis 11).
Will it be similar at the time of the end? Will human activity get to the point that God will say, “Come, let us go down …”
It was announced this week that a new compound has been developed that will allow man to do some incredible things. To date, two other research teams have been able to replicate the results, indicating this is the real thing. “LK-99, as it’s been named, is a new compound that researchers believe will enable the fabrication of room-temperature, ambient-pressure superconductors… Superconductors mean almost perfectly efficient computing.”
“Few things come close to the potential of an actual superconductor discovery in terms of what it can do for humanity’s current and future technology.”
We can only imagine the speed at which this will impact the world. This development came out of nowhere and in just 4 days it was replicated. Recently a couple of speakers have referenced the speed at which knowledge is doubling – and this seems to be a good example of that.
A very important application of efficient computing will be the coupling of superconductors and Artificial Intelligence. It begs the question – are we returning to all speaking the same language? AI can now translate close enough to real time – from any language to any other language while retaining much of the nuances intact. The language barriers are coming down as people can speak in their native tongue and they can be heard in the language of the hearer. It is not difficult to see superconductors enhancing this capability.
What it will mean for military use is unimaginable – and it will be fast.
When God warns us that the major factor in end-time activity will be suddenness, we are now able to actually envision it. Man is creating his own “suddenness.”
What we must factor into all this is what God tells us through the prophet Malachi. The Church and the work it is doing is another factor in God’s determination of intervention. Since Mr. Armstrong’s early efforts, the Church has been doing an Elijah type work. It is this work that stops God from bringing “utter destruction” to the earth (Malachi 4:4-6).
The position of God’s Church relative to the unfolding end time events is becoming more obvious. It is stating the obvious, but God’s attention is on His people and much of what He does revolves around His plan of salvation. And the Church – the first fruits – is central to that plan. “Of His own will He brought us forth by the word of truth, that we might be a kind of firstfruits of His creatures” (James 1:18).
What a privilege it is to be able to see all these developments taking place in the world and to see the true, God-given context and be able to have peace of mind.
Brian Orchard