Ben Orchard
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Building a house is a big job that requires persistent, progressive effort. You can’t do tomorrow’s work today, and you can’t catch up later on. Each day presents an important window to advance the construction process. We should apply the same disciplined commitment to building God’s spiritual temple.
Three points to help us approach the job we have before us.
- Give God a slice of your day. Establish a disciplined habit to invest that time. Abraham, Joshua, Moses, Gideon, Job, Christ, and the Proverbs 31 woman are all recorded as rising before dawn to commune with God.
- Keep notes of your Bible study. Undertake the Bible correspondence course. Review old booklets. Write summaries of topical studies.
- Maintain a written prayer list, and keep an outward focus. If we don’t do the work every day, we will run out of time. There is no shortcut. Do the work.