True to the Foundation
Human nature has a source. Satan, as the god of this world, broadcasts his hostile, antinomian attitudes to a gullible mankind. Human nature is neatly summed up as “… Enmity against God; for it is not subject to the law of God. Nor indeed can be” (Romans 8:7).
This attitude is the base. But it can be modified in its expression by the personality, upbringing, etc. of each individual. After all, there is a spectrum of good and evil.
This “across the board” expression of human nature allows us to view similar lines of thought and thinking in all human conduct. We understand the basis. We are not ignorant of how the scheming of Satan works (see Ephesians 6:11).
So when I read an article recently entitled, “How a Great Power Falls Apart”, I read it as, “How the Church of God Fell Apart”. Or, to turn the coin over, since we all have the same origin, what keeps groups apart?
Here are some stand-out thoughts from the article:
“Self-preservation is clearly the dominant drive.”
This is not a great reveal to us. We know that in the end time the dominant drive will be that men are lovers of themselves. People will put self first. Those with authority and control will work to preserve their position. Those who place themselves under that authority will be getting what they feel they want.
“The only thing authority wants is for everything to go on as before: authorities to be recognized, the intelligentsia to keep quiet, no rocking the system by dangerous and unfamiliar reforms.”
People have been attracted to the continuation of the previous status quo because that is what they are familiar with, and it satisfies the feeling of self-preservation. Even though church government was a factor in the demise of the previous status quo, little to nothing has been learned from its demise.
“Governments are good at recognizing the faults in other places and times, but terrible judges of the injustices built into their own foundations.”
Comparisons between groups is not a valid indicator of right and wrong. The body of Christ is a spiritual organism. This means that it is the sum total of that which each part (person) supplies. The oneness and unity of the body is the personal responsibility of each member. We must check and be certain that our personal foundation is Jesus Christ. We are not to compare our foundation with that of others (see 2 Corinthians 10:12).
“… great powers’ proclivity for self-delusion and self-isolation puts them at a particular disadvantage. They set themselves apart from the world, learning little from the accumulated stock of human experience. They imagine themselves immune to the ills affecting other places and systems.”
There is no single organization today that is THE one true Church. To claim to be so is delusional and it promotes isolation. The Church is a spiritual body that overarches all the man-made groupings men have created.
This past week and continuing over this weekend, the TFC Council has been gathered together with discussions ranging over all these factors.
In this real world of rapid change, we need to constantly reassess our foundation. We are trying to sharpen our focus of vision and purpose without compromising the vision and understanding Christ has given us.
In looking closely at the source of human nature and its expression in the rapidly changing world, we are endeavoring to stand firm on the true foundation – the Rock, Jesus Christ.
Please pray that Christ will lead us to grow in grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Brian Orchard