We are days away from beginning the third Feast season of the year when we are to appear before our God. His Holy Days spell out a fantastic future for all mankind. This plan is unimaginable to most people.
To face the immediate future with faith and confidence, we need to grasp the reality of what God has laid out before us. Our part in God’s plan involves the entire universe. This concept stretches our Spirit-led imaginations.
Current estimates are that the diameter of the observable universe is about 93 billion light-years. They also state that the observable universe has around 2 trillion galaxies. Have you got that? Consider that light travels at 670,616,629 miles in an hour and then compute 93 billion light-years. Now you know how large the universe is estimated to be – give or take a few billion of this and a few trillion of that!
The Apostle Paul writing to the Church in Rome addressed the glory which will be revealed in those who are heirs with God and joint-heirs with Christ. He said that “… the creation eagerly waits for the revealing of the sons of God” (Romans 8:19). The creation is the “original formation” – that is, the universe. All things on earth and all things in heaven will be reconciled to the Father through Christ. The universe will be released from its “…bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God” (Romans 8:21).
All of God’s creation – earth and universe – will be set free from its corrupting bondage. Christ currently sits at the right hand of God and sustains the universe “… upholding all things by the word of His power…” (Hebrews 1:3). Our destiny is to assist Jesus Christ in bringing the decayed universe back to life. If we consider the size of the universe against the potential harvest of humans into God’s eternal family – there is a lot of universe to go around.
With Christ, we will rule the entire universe – the expanse of God’s Kingdom.
Keep that in mind as we assemble before God during this third season of the year.
Brian Orchard