Our vision is the unified spiritual Bride of Christ, living and representing the gospel of God’s plan of salvation for humanity. Our mission is to nurture the church family as a spiritual organism, feeding the flock and sharing the gospel.
Today we are exposed to so much information. Not only good and bad information, but false information. Whether we read it on the internet, watch it on TV, or listen to it on the radio. There is a lot of information going around. After all, we live in the information age. And yet sometimes we still hear of something the old fashion way, in person. During Jesus’ time on earth most of the information was passed on by word of mouth. One individual had heard of miracles done by Jesus. Could this be true? He wasn’t sure. But he sought Him out in hopes of having his son healed.
At first he came in contact with Christ’s disciples. He asked them for help. They tried to heal his son, but were unable. Christ soon arrived on the scene and the man asked Him to heal his son. Jesus said that “all things are possible for those that believe”. Did he believe? He did, but there was some doubt. A little unbelief. Faith is an important aspect of a Christian’s life. We must believe. We must develop and grow with confidence in our belief.
Why were the disciples not able to heal the man’s son? Christ told them it was because of their unbelief. Because they only had a little faith. He told them they could have done it, but it required prayer and fasting. Prayer and fasting are tools we use to draw close to God. Something they needed to do. It is also something we need to do, too.