Scott Souder
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God’s Calling Has A Purpose
God has been working with individuals throughout history. Jesus Christ said that no one can come to Him except the Father draws him. So God the Father somehow looks out at humanity and communicates or inspires individuals to look into a certain way of life. We refer to this as a calling. Which is a strong urge toward a particular way of life. One of the early individuals we think of is Abram. Whom God called to leave his country, and his family, and to go to a place where He will show him. And Abram was obedient and departed. When God calls someone He has a purpose in mind. For Abram it was to make his name great, and that he would be a blessing to all the families of the earth. A second example is an individual named Samuel. Samuel was a boy when he was called by God. Samuel did not understand that he was being called by God. He needed guidance. We too need guidance as we begin our journey after being called. God had a purpose for Samuel. He became a judge and a prophet in Israel. He was also used by God to anoint an individual which established Israel’s monarchy. In the New Testament we think Saul who was later named Paul, and his calling on the road to Damascus. God certainly had a purpose for calling him. All 3 of these examples involved direct verbal contact from God. Today when God calls it is more subtle. Usually it is through a message. It could be on the radio, the television, an article in a magazine, or through an acquaintance. Either way a person senses a strong urge toward a particular way of life. It’s this drive to learn more that we refer to as a calling. In this case one follows their strong urge to live a life of following obeying God. Because God does have a purpose for you.