Gary MacPherson
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Atonement and Quality
The Day of Atonement is all about quality. God sends Satan and his cohorts into the wilderness because they are the antithesis of quality. They are about destruction and darkness. God is all about beauty, light and quality. God provides examples of the quality He is after when He describes the beauty of the Tabernacle in the wilderness, Solomon’s Temple and even the beauty of His creation as described in Genesis. As such, God seeks quality in those He has called and who will become part of His spiritual temple in the future. As called members of God’s Church we each need to put forth the effort and zeal to produce items of quality in our lives, whether it is at work or at home. And more importantly, the moral character we develop is to be of highest quality as we strive to be perfect as our Father in heaven and Christ, His son. God teaches us throughout His word of the type of fruit we are to produce. We are to be master artisans as we work alongside God in producing this Godly character. And if we desire and produce quality, God assures us that we will be rewarded by becoming precious stones in His coming Kingdom and His spiritual Temple.