Sabbath Services
We stream every Sabbath Service live.
Next service is Sabbath, March 15, 2025
2:00PM ET, 1:00PM CT, 12:00PM MT, 11:00AM PT

The Word of God reveals His Church as a spiritual body composed of those called and chosen by the Father. Upon repentance, each member of the Body is given the Holy Spirit and is called to a life of overcoming, being transformed as a new creation in the image of Christ. These members are recognized by their deep love of God and one another. The Church is to exemplify and promote the gospel, i.e. the coming Kingdom of God and God’s power to reconcile us to Him. Upon His return, Jesus Christ will be united with His Bride, the Church, and will extend salvation to all humanity.
Our Vision…
…is the unified spiritual Bride of Christ, living and representing the gospel of God’s plan of salvation for humanity.
(Revelation 21:1-2 & 9-21; Revelation 22:17)
Our Mission…
…is to nurture the church family as a spiritual organism, feeding the flock and sharing the gospel.
(I Peter 5:1-5; John 21:15-17)
Our Guiding Principles
The Elohim Family
- God the Father and Jesus Christ are a Family, and they are developing an eternal, spiritual family through the physical family.
- The begotten family of God – the body of Christ – is governed by the principles established by the Elohim family (the Father and the Son). Authority flows from the Father and Christ, down through to the husband, the wife, and the children.
- We are to shepherd Christ’s flock in the spirit of our Father’s and Christ’s family government model.
- The Body of Christ, the Church, is a spiritual organism not an organization.
- As we reconcile to the Father through Christ, we are to conduct a ministry of reconciliation with the entire body of Christ.
- A major identifying characteristic of the bride is unity. As such, it is of utmost importance to the Father and Christ.
- The Holy Spirit is the basis for unity with Christ.
- Unity is furthered by each individual member of the body as they come into unity with Christ.
The Gospel
- The gospel message is found throughout the Old Testament. Christ’s role as Redeemer and Savior is at its heart, along with the major themes of restoration and reconciliation.
- These themes are carried throughout the New Testament with ultimate application to all mankind. That is the good news of the entire Bible.
- Our responsibility is to preach the gospel as “the power of God to salvation” and to prepare the bride for the wedding at Christ’s return.
- Further to proclaiming that overarching, vitally important gospel message, we are to herald His return by preaching the good news of His coming Kingdom.
- At Christ’s return, He will establish the Kingdom of God as His ruling authority and way of governance over the earth.
The Law
- Christ established within the Law love toward God and neighbor as core values and markers of identifying His people.
- Recognizing and practicing the spiritual intent of God’s law leads to a proper, godly way of being and living.
- As the law is fulfilled in Christ, so are the writings of the Prophets.
- Prophecy is the expression of the mind and counsel of God. It expresses God’s will and therefore, prophecy is not to be of any private interpretation.
- A recognition of the identity and importance of ancient Israel in God’s word is essential to understanding prophetic events for the time of the end.
- An understanding of ancient Israel’s identity leads to understanding the identity of spiritual Israel – the Church.
- God married ancient Israel and Christ will marry spiritual Israel.